Archived - Evaluation of the Federal Interlocutor's Contribution Program and Powley: Management of Métis Aboriginal Rights - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2009
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update
Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As Of March 31, 2009
The Office of the Federal Interlocutor (OFI)
Evaluation of the Federal Interlocutor's Contribution Program and Powley: Management of Métis Aboriginal Rights (200713)
Action Plan Approval Date: 28/02/2008
Project Recommentations | Action Plan | Expected Completion Date | Program Response |
1. Clarify OFI mandate and role within INAC and the federal government, and develop expected outcomes and performance indictors that are measurable and an accurate reflection of the scope and work of the OFI. | a) INAC will continue to communicate OFI's mandate and role, both within the department and to all interested stakeholders. | 30/04/2008 | Status: Implemented Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2008: a) INAC Senior management continues to communicate OFI's role and mandate both within the department and to client groups (website renewal, Senior Policy Committee, meetings with clients, joint ADM letters to RDG's). |
b) OFI will update its performance measurement and reporting framework and implement a performance measurement strategy as per OFI's Results-based Management and Accountability Framework. The principles of the department's SMART reporting initiative will be applied to this exercise. | 30/04/2008 | b) As part of the INAC Audit and Evaluation Sector's work on developing departmental performance measures, OFI held a two day workshop in September. Once approved, these indicators will be included in the departmental submission to Treasury Board. In addition, program level performance measures have been included in the development of the OFI PIMS system. | |
c) OFI will continue to communicate programming objectives to its stakeholders and ensure this is reflected on OFI's website. | 30/04/2008 | c) Two one-day sessions were undertaken with all main OFI clients in March 2008 to explain TB requirements, INAC requirements, the process of developing contribution agreements, reporting expectations, and so on. In addition, as part of the broader INAC website renewal initiative, all program objectives and materials have been updated and will be posted later this fall. AES Comment: File closed |
2. Maintain the current approach to the management of Métis rights assertions including enhance work with other federal departments, provinces and Aboriginal organizations on joint research efforts to further understand rights-bearing Métis communities, and strengthening and sustainability of membership and identification systems. | a) OFI will continue to seek opportunities for joint research with provincial governments, and where possible, by the relevant Métis organizations. | 30/04/2008 | Status: Implemented Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2008: OFI is currently pursuing joint research opportunities with Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador. OFI has provided funding to CAP and MNC to pursue research. |
b) OFI will conduct a third-party review of the membership/harvesters systems funded by OFI. | 31/08/2008 | A third party review of the memberships systems supported by this initiative is underway, and expected to be completed by October. AES Comment: File closed |
3. The Director, Administrative Services, Corporate Services, should ensure that Aboriginal procurement targets and results, in relation to target amounts, are communicated to all procurement staff and program managers at headquarters and regions. | a) OFI will develop a strategy to focus the capacity building efforts on key client groups. | 31/07/2008 | Status: a) Implemented, b) pending implementation Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Within the capacity building funding stream, OFI has realigned funding decisions in keeping with funding objectives of the program, with a focus on governance, financial and electoral accountability. |
b) OFI will work with key Aboriginal organizations to develop and implement long-term capacity building plans. | 31/03/2009 | ||
4. Examine the weakness in the level of core funding provided to recipient organizations. | OFI will participate in the policy work being conducted in the department involving core funding issues. | currently underway | Status: Implemented Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2008: The OFI developed a policy framework to rationalize core funding allocations to recipient organizations. INAC will reallocate funding internally to OFI through the ARLU process to begin to address the inequity in funding between Métis and non-status Indian organizations compared to First Nations and Inuit organizations. AES Comment: File closed |
5. The Director, Administrative Services, Corporate Services, should ensure that skills required for contracting and purchasing positions are defined and that gaps in skills are identified periodically. | OFI will conduct a review of the processes in order to identify any efficiency that can be realized. The principles of the department's SMART reporting initiative will be applied to this exercise. |
31/05/2008 | Status: Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2009: AES Comment: Information needed on the review. |
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